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Types of oil based bitumen:
A) Pure bitumen
During the distillation of crude oil, lighter oils will evaporate in lower degrees and with the temperature rise the heavier oils will get divided. The product left in the end point of this fractioning columns is pure bitumen. You can produce different types of bitumen with changing the temperature and pressure.
B) Blown bitumen
Blown bitumen is produced by blowing hot air to pure bitumen in the last stage of purification. Pure bitumen (which has liquid form and high temperature) gets filled up in special compartments and hot air gets in these compartments by perforated pipes. This process is mainly done in a temperature between 200-300 Celsius degrees.
C) Bitumen emulsion
Bitumen emulsion has advantages such as; not needing the warm up for the usage time, not needing the adding of solvents for producing liquid bitumen, inflammability during the transportation and stocking and being environment friendly. Bitumen emulsion is used for producing cold asphalt, surface asphalt and … and in addition to these usages, it can be used as mulch for shifting sands stabilization, Tanks’ protective coating and roof insulation.
D) Dissolved bitumen
Dissolved bitumen is made of bitumen dissolved into solvents and petroleum oils. All types of dissolved bitumen depend on the main pure bitumen’s quality and the quantity and type of the solvent.